In 2005, sisters Lynda Remmers(Left) and Annie Moody(Right) were at a sewing getaway with friends. While Lynda digitized a wall hanging for her family room, Annie worked on a crazy quilt pattern. Some late nights were spent discussing the possibilities of this new quilt technique. Lynda went home and began teaching the technique to her customers at Sewing Concepts in Woodstock Illinois and Annie, an Educator with Janome America, Inc. began teaching it across the United States. Everywhere Annie went her students wanted to know where they can get more patterns and Lynda’s customers couldn’t wait to see what she came up with next. Lynda and Annie decided these patterns needed to be shared with everybody and they were inspired to design more. The HoopSisters EmbroidaBlock designs have had many blue ribbon winners at Quilt Shows & County Fairs.
Annie enjoys designing and creating using software, technology and doing whatever is possible inside the hoop of her embroidery machine. She has taught all over the United States and in Japan. Her projects and articles can be found on Janome America’s website, Marcus Brothers website, the Janome Digest magazine and The Quilter Magazine. Annie has appeared as a regular guest on Kaye’s Quilting Friends and on Annie’s quilts have been exhibited at shows at the local level and national level. Her quilts have been semi-finalists in the American Quilters Society show in Nashville, Tennessee and the MQX show in New Hampshire. Her passion is teaching others to do what she loves to do. She always asks her students to bring the same thing to every class and that is excitement and enthusiasm. She is an Embroidablock addict and will probably never start another quilt using traditional methods. Although there may be a few unfinished quilts in her closet she may have to complete the old fashioned way.
Lynda Remmers, along with her husband Duane opened Sewing Concepts in the spring of 1989 selling Janome sewing machines. Many years later they operate two stores in Illinois, one on the Woodstock Square, the second in Carpentersville, IL. Lynda is responsible for the classes in both stores. It can be a challenge coming up with new ideas and recycling old favorites to keep people interested. Her favorite is embroidery and software classes. The potential is unlimited. Lynda’s customers love combining quilting with embroidery in a new and creative ways. The quilters are seeing the value of embroidery machines, and the embroiders are having fun quilting. They can’t wait for the next project! Her quilts have also been semi-finalists in the American Quilters Society show in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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