Longarm Leader Grips – 10ft Leader Kit – 2-Pk

$109.99 /Item

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Are your fingers sore, bleeding? Do you have torn shirts, dresses, ripped pants? How about belly scratches? Do you wear work aprons, and a wrist pincushion full of corsage pins? Does it take you 45 minutes to an hour to pin the backing on the leaders?

What if you could load a quilt in 10 minutes and no blood is shed.

You came to the right place. This is Leader Grips by Reginas Quilting Studio.

This is the first rod and grip method for setting up the backing to the leaders. And if you use all three rollers you can set up the top leader also. The rod is placed in the (.75in or 2cm) casing of the leaders and is held together by a heat shrink or tape inside the casing. The grip is snapped on over the backing on the rods. It is snapped on like a zip lock bag, you start at one end and work your way across the leaders. The grip is clear so you can see if it is catching all of the edge of the backing. The grip has a top edge so it is easy to press over the dowel rods and easy to pull up when you are finish with the quilting. Leadergrips holds the fabric taunt and smooth.